
Nwani Ugonna Stanley
3 min readFeb 24, 2021


Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Most times, networking often occurs when common ground is found between two parties. Professionals use networking to find people with similar interests, find out about job opportunities, and increase their awareness and trends in their fields. Business owners may network to develop relationships with people and companies they may do business with in the future.

Networking is about sharing, not taking. The people you are connecting with should also benefit from connecting with you.

Why is Networking important?

Networking can be a means to get job opportunities. Your network of people might come across a job opportunity that they think you can fill and your attention would be called to it by them. 61% of professionals agree that regular online interaction with their professional network can lead the way into possible job opportunities.

Networking can help you start a business. Through networking, you might come across business partners that believe in your business idea and are ready to work with you to make it a reality. You might also be the one to join someone else in making their business idea a reality.

Through networking, you might come across life long partners that you can benefit from and they can benefit from you. It is like having a circle of trust that helps each other achieve success faster. After all two heads are better than one.

Types of Networking

  1. Real-life Networking

This is networking that takes place face to face. Real-life networking happens in physical events, Church, School, etc.

2. Online Networking

Online networking is networking that is not physical. It happens on Social media or via online meeting platforms. Examples are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, MeetUp, etc.

Other types of networking like Business networking, Social networking, Career networking, etc, falls under these two types of networking.

Business networking is between business owners. Small business owners network and develop relationships with people and companies that may be potential customers in the future. These connections establish trust and might encourage their customers to refer other people to them.

Social networking involves relationships with friends revolving around fashion, music, etc.

Career networking is networking with people that can assist with getting a job, achieving career goals, learning more about another field, etc.

How to Network

  1. The best way to network with new people is through people that you already know. Move with people that you know that also know the people you are looking to meet. Being introduced by other people is a great way to join a conversation.
  2. Using professional social media platforms like LinkedIn is a good way to network with people you cannot meet face to face. Actively engaging their posts can gain their attention and if you’re able to meet physically it would be easier to continue the conversation.
  3. Do not start a conversation by asking for something. Networking with people is not all about what you can collect. You should also include what the person has to benefit from connecting with you.

Networking Tips

Be your best self. Don’t try to be someone you’re not in order to impress someone else.

Allow others to speak. While networking, you shouldn’t be the one doing all the talking. Always allow the other party to express their opinion.

Always remember to say thank you. Thanking your connection for sharing information with you is a nice gesture and he/she would be willing to help next time.

For me, I have used the time in GemMine to network with the people there via LinkedIn. I have also connected with the few guests that GemMine hosted during the soft skill sessions. Expanding your network is very rewarding as it opens doors to a lot of opportunities, you meet new people and share different ideas.

Thanks for reading:).

